Monday 18 January 2010

Valentines @Paperchase

Firstly, I really wish that Paperchase would sort out their website. It doesn't seem to catch up to what they have in store very quickly and the variety of their goods available to buy on-line, via Amazon, is shocking. They're one of my favourite shops, and I've found some great cupcake goodies there but they need to sort out their on-line presence imo.

They have a few gifts instore for cupcake lovers this Valentines day, including this rather nice notebook which I very nearly bought but I have about 10 cupcake notebooks lying empty and I just cannot justify buying anymore! They also have this cute birthday and anniversary book - which is a bit too organised for me, and hardly anyone I know gets married so the anniversary part would be a waste, but I'm sure some people would find it immensely useful.

Finally, they also have a choice of cupcake valentines cards - my favourite one says "you're my cupcake" (available in the Covent Garden store if anyone is interested..ahem!) but that one isn't available online but this "I think you're yummy" one is rather cute too. Oh and its not cupcake related but for all you Twitter fans out there this "You're so tweet" card is just perfect!

My advice with Paperchase, if you're near one go instore for a much better selection of cupcake and Valentine goodies. They have the red heart shaped kitchenware again, including bowls, measuring spoons and egg cups - I love the giant bowl I got last year!


  1. I shall take a wander to the Covent Garden store, I've found the Tottenham Court Road one is a haven for Anne pressies too :)

  2. Hi! I just came across your blog and it is FANTASTIC! I love Cupcake goodies - have you seen the cupcake plasters on EBay? xxx

  3. @Manny - Paperchase is one of my faves, and the TCR one is right next to Next home store which is also full of cupcake goodies :)

    @Rebecca - Hello! Thanks very much :) Glad you like my blog. Do you mean these ones? I got them a while ago but haven't used them! They're so cute

  4. I'm so mad after seeing this that we don't have paperchase here! Maybe we can work out a trade across the sea :) I found these great little items this week that I have a feeling you will love...

    Oh, and before I post the link let me just say that I looked for an email address so that I could send you the pics instead of making it look like a spam message by posting a link to my blog, but I swear I'm not a spammer, just a cupcake lover :)

  5. @savedbythebrew - sorry its taken me so long to respond, I wanted to have time to check out your blog first! Just been reading it - and LOVE your cupcakes.
    Yeah an overseas exchange can be arranged of course- Paperchase is one of my favourite shops although I'd give it up to live on your side of the ocean, in my favourite city NY!
    My email is if you want to get in touch


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