Wednesday 13 January 2010

Unicorns pooping cupcakes

So I checked my google analytics the other day and discovered that the 3rd most searched term to get to my blog is "unicorns pooping cupcakes". This amused me as I just can't imagine anyone typing that into google! If you do however type it in I am the first result so hurrah!

Then today, while looking for a gift for my chum Renee, I noticed that the t-shirt which inspired the original post is now on sale, nearly half prize, in selected sizes only so if you want one be quick.

Finally, can I just say thank you to those of you who continue to visit my blog - I'm astounded by the amount of visitors I get and I'm touched that people pop on here to read my ramblings about my cupcake obsession- Thank you :)


  1. Obviously I'm biased but I really do love reading your blog! Your passion for cupcakes comes through so clearly in everything you write :) Keep it up xxx

  2. I showed this to my little sister when she asked where cupcakes came from.

  3. @Anon - it is quite a good explanation isn't it!


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