Wednesday 23 December 2009

Sex and the City 2 AND cupcakes! The excitement!!

Sex and the City is always credited for the phenomenal rise of the cupcake and it from the latest stills and just realised trailer from Sex and the City 2, its a link the producers are keen to play up!

The movie is out on May 28th and I shall be there, cupcake in hand to watch - hopefully my cupcake will be just as pretty as Charlotte's :)

You can view the trailer here, and hopefully get as excited as me :)


  1. I shall take you to see it and we can go for food and cake after too xxxx

  2. YES talk about Sex and the City and cupcakes! I went hunting down Magnolia Bakery in NYC - BOTH OF THEM - on the count of SATC's promotions :) Have to say, they didn't disappoint :)

  3. We went to the Magnolia on Bleecker in March and I loved their cupcakes - they were so pretty and tasty. Lots of New Yorkers seem to dislike Magnolia and say they're too sweet but I loved them :)

  4. It looks delicious..I WANT IT!! Thanks for sharing


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