Saturday 28 November 2009

Sweet treats on a rather sh*tty day

After a grotty morning at work due to vile work colleagues, I escaped at lunchtime and happened to pass a branch of Book Warehouse when I spotted a really cute cupcake diary in the window and as we know if you can't have a cupcake to cheer you up, then cupcake shopping is second best. The diary was £3.99 and they knocked off 50p because the matching pen was missing (it was the last in the shop and I couldn't be bothered to wait for the man to climb into the window, and I thought the queue forming behind me might lynch me - city folks can be vicious at lunchtimes!) and I also picked up this cute little gift bag for £1.


  1. Cupcake treats brighten up the yukkiest day!

    PS. Buy the bagel slicer - you'll only regret it if you don't!

  2. Hey, I love your blog - its the best for all things cupcakes!!! I also need some help please...i'm baking some cupcakes for a friends bridal shower and was wondering if you could recommend the best recipe book you have come across? Also and this is a bit random, but I love the frosting on the Maison Blanc cupcake (i tried the strawberry and vanila) - I don't suppose you know what it was - it tasted different to any frosting I have had on a cupcake before. Hope you can help. x

  3. I love that diary! I want one to plan all my blog posts for next year!

  4. I'm glad you found some cute cupcake stuff to cheer you up :)

    I'm still not sure about the bagel slicer though ;)

  5. @See Manny's comment below - I dont think he's gunna let me get one!

    @Lotionspotionsandme - thanks for the nice comments about my blog :) The chocolate cupcakes I made from Primrose came out really well, as did the vanilla ones from Hummingbird. I've only had the pistachio cupcakes at Maison Blanc. Sorry to be of no help at all. If you google strawberry frosting though you can find some lovely recipes! I think there's one in the Primrose cookbook as well. Good luck with the baking

    @Sarah - its very cute isn't it - and much cheaper than most cupcake items. I saw a nice cupcake journal in Paperchase and shall be buying it on Thursday when I pop into town :)

    @Manny- I KNEW you'd say that about the bagel slicer!

  6. Thanks will try that out - actually picked up the Primrose Bakery one yesterday and i looks quite good.

  7. that's a lovely diary - how could you not smile everyday with a cupcake staring at you.


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