Wednesday 18 November 2009

Hummingbird Cupcakes new store details

I've just found out that the new Wardour Street branch of the fabulous Hummingbird Bakery is Lee Stafford's old Salon so I will be easily able to find it (used to get my hair cut there till they moved and upped their prices loads).

It's quite a little space - it did have a downstairs section as a salon, but I suppose they may use that as a kitchen? I can't wait to see what they've done to it - I know from their Twitter that their theme for the store is cupcake pop art! According to my sources it opens on the 9th December - I have a gig that night in Brixton but I'm hoping that my lovely hubby might leave work a bit early with me for a pre-gig cupcake :) Or maybe I should just take the day off and camp outside for the opening?

In other Hummingbird news Tarek will be at Heals in the Kings Road signing copies of the Hummingbird cookbook this Saturday from 1.30-3.30, and some cupcake demo's and a baking Q&A are promised. There are several cupcake outlets within walking distance of Heals if you want to make a cupcake day of it including Crumbs and Doilies, Love Bakery and Hummingbird - Buttercup is also less than 30mins walk away but after the last time I'd give it a miss. Oh and if you walk to Harrods you can have a Lola's cupcake or if you're all cupcake'd out a Laduree macaroon.

On a non-cupcake note - Paul A Young and Hope and Greenwood will also be signing their books at Heals on Saturday


  1. Of course I'll take you for a cupcake before the gig, Hummingbird's are always tasty :)

  2. You always know everything that's happening on the london cupcake scene!! My family are coming down from up north this Sat to help us move and then we were planning a trip to Westfield..I wonder if I can tempt them into a kings road diversion! I would be very interested to see the demo's and might as well get my book signed whilst i'm there! Have you ever been to iron cupcake yet? I keep wanting to seems so fun! Gem

  3. @ Manny - if you take the Thursday off after MM we could go then if you'd prefer!

    @Gem - :) I was thinking of going to the Kings Road, but was wondering do you have to buy the book there - I wanted to bring mine along! I will drop them an email. Would be interesting to see the demos and there may be freebies! I'm v.keen to go to Iron Cupcake but Monday's aren't really a good day for me and I've not made it yet - I do want to though -maybe in the new year!


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