Thursday 19 November 2009

Hinting for cupcakes pays off :)

You may recall a couple of days ago I posted that I must try the Crumbs and Doilies flavour of the month before the end of Nov as its on of my favourites, Red Velvet - my lovely hubby took note of my hint and popped along to the Covent Garden Food Market* in his lunch-hour and picked up a box of absolutely gorgeous cupcakes. Luckily my afternoon trip to the dentist sorted out my toothache and I was able to scoff mine :)

I had a red velvet and a vanilla - both moist, full of flavour and with absolutely yummy frosting. Manny had a green tea and a chocolate (of course) which he was very happy with - he was particularly chuffed that the chocolate one was very thickly frosted - he was also gifted a mini red velvet which he scoffed for his lunch by the lovely girl at C&D.

The Covent Garden Christmas Food Market is on Thursdays and Friday till Christmas (not sure of the last market date pre-Christmas - check here). Also - there is a mulled wine hut nearby until the 23rd of December - cupcakes and wine what more do you need!


  1. They were lovely as usual and I thought it was so sweet of the girl there (I forgot to ask her name!) to give me a freebie :) We shall definately go back and get more cakes, and a few glasses of mulled wine too of course!

  2. Look great! I particularly like those dinky chocolate stars on the first one

  3. Crumbs and Doilies ALWAYS have the best sprinkles!

  4. What a sweet husband! That's such lovely cupcakes he bought. The red one looks very interesting and delicious. I'm sure all of them tasted very good.

  5. Hi Mary - thanks for your comment. He is indeed :) And he loves cupcakes too, which helps! They were all really tasty - their red velvet was one of the best I've ever tasted!

  6. If you're ever in Austin, TX - let me know... because my husband and I know where all the good cupcakes [try to] hide.

  7. Hey Skullgal - thanks for the offer :) Just been catching up with your blog - loving the spandex!


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