Sunday 25 October 2009

More cupcake gift ideas

It's exactly two months till Xmas and I'm sure some of you will be adding lots of cupcake items to your Xmas wish list. Next is always one of the best stores to visit - but be quick, they tend to sell out very quickly!! Last year we had to search all over till we got the cupcake hot chocolate set I wanted.

This year my list will definitely be including the diary and calendar, the book and the tea cosy! I already have a teapot (which is an ornament - Manny won't let me use it in case he breaks it washing up!) so I don't really need another one, although this one is really cute! You can find all the items by going to Next's website and searching for cupcakes.

I also really like the ceramic "cake" lettering - would look fab in my kitchen - think I may have to get it as its only £8!


  1. Pressie ideas already - cool :) I shall get on the case after payday xxxx

  2. Hun you don't have to keep buying me things you know!


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