Tuesday 22 September 2009

Some frightfully cute halloween cupcakes!

Prepare for lots of posts of cute Halloween cupcakes from me over the next few weeks as I love Halloween, which also happens to be my wedding anniversary :)

While perusing one of my fave sites, The Hostess with the Mostess, I came across a link to the Better Homes and Gardens site featuring loads of adorable (and spooky!) cupcakes! It gives you step by step instructions on how to decorate them - although if you're in the UK you may have to google some of the items used as its a US site.


  1. these are too cute, I hope I have time to make some halloween cupcakes. congrats in advance for your upcoming wedding ani xxxx

  2. I'm going to try and make some but am trying not to bake too much as too much baking = too much eating!
    thanks re wedding anniversary - its a good excuse for a cake :)

  3. Thanks from me too Kara :)

    Lets have spider cupcakes for Halloween - they will be great for when we're hungover on the Sunday :)

  4. I was thinking more of buying some on the Saturday from Hummingbird or Buttercup- they look like a lot of faffing goes into them :)


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