Friday 25 September 2009

Bad cupcake bag

As seen on Cupcakes Take the Cake via their Twitter feed (I adore Twitter!) this really cute bad cupcake bag by Archie McPhee is just so cute. I don't really need another cupcake bag but this one is proving difficult to resist ;)

The site has a host of cute cupcake items including the oil painting, and lots of Halloween goodies, BUT you cannot order online from the UK, you have to fax or call and they have a minimum order of $50 plus shipping :(

That reminds me Archie McPhee also do cupcake bandages which someone (cough cough) promised to get me some time ago from the Primrose Bakery!


  1. Such a shame about the minimum order, that bag is well cute and very you!

  2. You alright? Encouraging me to buy more bags


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