Monday 3 August 2009

Saucy cupcakes

I adore these rather saucy cupcakes by Lisa Edsalv a prop stylist (for Ikea including others!) who's been gaining cupcake star status after Kanye West blogged about her fashion inspired cupcakes! 

"It was just a funny idea, we even thought about having a cupcake runway"

Lisa is planning to launch a cupcake store in New York (where else?) in the near future - somewhere to add to my list of must visit places next time I go back to my favourite city! 

pics courtesy of Lisa Edalv


  1. Great cupcakes!

    The next Iron Cupcake London was announced last night - it's Tuesday 1st Sept and the theme is alcohol. It's normally Monday but the bank holiday has pushed it back a day! Hope to see you there

  2. Ohhh alcohol sounds interesting! will get my thinking hat on!


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