Friday 14 August 2009

How to frost a cupcake

I found this rather cool video on Youtube,  featuring Helen Shroyer of Marmalade Cake Company in Toronto, which gives you hints on how to ice cupcakes in 3 different styles. I was impressed with her suggestion on how to fill an icing bag - something I do need to practice as I'm usually covered in more frosting than the cupcake!

You can see the vid here

Thanks to Helen Shroyer/You Tube for the screen shot of the iced cupcakes - gorgeous aren't they! 


  1. Ha ha, I wish I'd been there when you had your little mishap with the frosting bag :)

    I love you sweetie xxx

  2. amazing, the hardest bit is defo the icing bag, she makes it look so simple may have to bake to try this out

  3. I'm with you Kara - she makes it look very easy. I fancy some baking myself- if only it would stop being a zillion degrees in my kitchen!!!
    Hope all is well with you x

  4. Yeah I am good thanks, tell me about it way to hot. Not bad thanks hope you k x

  5. Soooooooo dreamy looking... YUM!

  6. lol, just stumbled across this after Googling my name. It IS easy gals, try it out :)

    Hey, what's the worst that can happen? "Mistakes" are just snacks for later, right?

    Have fun!

  7. Hey Helen thanks for the comment! Since posting this my frosting has gotten much better (I can now do swirls and roses!) so I have to say thank you :)

    And I agree - even if they don't look fab at least they usually taste great!!

  8. Great video. I tried all three frosting styles for my son's birthday :-).


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