Friday 21 August 2009

Cute 'n' cuddly cupcakes

I have slowly become quite addicted to Twitter - there are so many things you can find out on there, and its nice to just let your little thoughts out sometimes. 

Today a fellow tweeter posted about these and I thought how adorable so thought I'd share them. These Koala cupcakes were posted on Not Quite Nigella's blog for the RSPCA cupcake day along with the recipe - they're just so cute! And then to make the blog even cuter she's also got a panda cupcake recipe! Cute, cute, cute!

Thanks to Not quite Nigella for the pics and lovely recipes. 


  1. Seriously cute little blog :)

    I just found you through someone who follows mine and just have to follow. I LOVE pandas so to be greeted with such cute little cupcakes is ultimate WIN!


  2. I hope you're going to make some koala cupcakes, they look great!


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