Thursday 23 July 2009

The worlds largest cupcake

One foot tall, two feet wide, taking fifteen hours of cooking, seventy pounds of cake batter, sixty pounds of icing and fifteen pounds of fudge filling - amounting to  130, 000 calories - gives you the worlds largest cupcake as verified by the Guinness Book of World Records in the Minneapolis Mall of America at the weekend.

The cake was made by and you can see a video of it on You Tube. gave away 4,000 free cupcakes for the event, and arranged for the world record-breaking cupcake to be sent to a local pig farm where the residents are used to disposing of edible garbage!

I have a feeling by the worlds largest cupcake they mean one solid cupcake that was baked as a whole item, rather than the larger big cupcakes which are formed of many cakes (like the one in Covent Garden last week, and this whopper from Merengue Bakers (above) which costs $400 and feeds 210!)


  1. How long do you reckon it would take us to wolf all that down??

  2. I reckon you'd not take


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