Wednesday 15 July 2009

Iron Cupcake London

I recently discovered the Iron Cupcake London website and I think I may take part in next month's cupcake challenge as it's to make a cupcake of one of my favourite things...dessert! Dessert and cupcakes...double yum!

ICL Challenge III: Dessert
Think of your favourite dessert and turn it into a cupcake. Make one batch (i.e. 12) of cupcakes interpreting the theme of “dessert” in any way you wish…

On the night everyone will have a say in declaring the winner, who walks away with the ICL Winner’s rosette plus a cupcake themed goody bag (presented in the much-coveted ICL bag!).

Event details:
Monday 3 August 2009
6.00pm – 8.30pm
Barrowboy & Banker pub, 6-8 Borough High Street, SE1 9QQ

Entry fee: £5 – even if you don’t wish to enter the competition why not come along to taste the cupcakes? (Entry fee includes tea or coffee)

Please email me or leave a comment on my Caked Crusader blog, to let me know if you plan to enter or just come along to eat. Everyone welcome - particularly hungry people!

You can check out previous winners on the Iron Cupcake website.  I've already decided what to bake - I'm going to practice next week and decide whether to take part -plan to definitely pop along to the pub to test the entries even if I decide not to bake this time! Fingers crossed my ideas work out! Think I might be able to drag Manny along to this also as he loves this pub...they have ale and pie (and now cupcakes!) ...all of his favourite things!

Thanks to the Caked Crusader for the use of her Iron Cupcake logo!


  1. Fantastic! Welcome to the Iron Cupcake family!
    Can't wait to see....and eat...what you've created.
    Look forward to meeting you on the 3rd

  2. I shall come with you for sure :) Go for it!!

  3. Don't forget IronCupcake Earth too, I entered for the first time this month. Feel free to vote for me! (I am also going to give the London challenge a go so I might see you there!). (Btw I am the anon from June!).


Thank you ever so much for taking the time to comment!