Sunday 14 June 2009

Johnny Cupcakes stud earrings

how cute are these? After all the trouble with my stretching in my ear recently (which I wont go into here but suffice to say keloids=yuk=hospital operation with many surgeons=never again!) I probably wont be having any new piercings but am just wondering if these may be too big to put in my nose - or maybe into one of my existing ear piercings....they're cute and I want them! And they're named after cake sweet. Even sweeter is the packaging which gives you the nutritional value for the earrings - calories=zero :)

Each individual earring is about the size of a popcorn kernel. Stud earrings come in 6 delicious flavors: strawberry sprinkle, key lime (glow in the dark!), blueberry cream cheese, chocolate raspberry, black forest and red velvet.

Available from Johnny Cupcakes store for the bargain price fo $15.99.
Thanks to JC for the pics.

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