Tuesday 5 May 2009

That's how the cupcake crumbles...

A cupcake really shouldn't crumble...should it??

This was unfortunately the scenario that faced us yesterday at the much anticipated (by me) Cupcake Emporium near Hyde Park. I'd first read about it a couple of weeks ago via my usual cupcake Google search (I often sit and go through the first 50 or so pages of searches via Google...see I work hard for this blog!).

About themselves Cupcake Emporium had this to say...

We take pride in using all natural ingredients where we can an also trying to make these devilish desserts as low in calories as we can but still maintaining the amazing taste.

The recipes we use have been handed down through generations and accumulated through years of baking

When you visit us you will not only be amazed by the range of cupcakes and coffees we offer but also the surroundings, we are nestled in a quiet street just off Hyde Park where you can sit and enjoy people watching or just relaxing in a lovely atmosphere.

About it myself and Manny mainly had to say "Why does our cupcake have the texture of an overbaked cookie".

Yep I think these could possibly take the prize for the oddest cupcake we've tasted.

When they first arrived they were a bit disappointing to look at but I knew they weren't going to be all swirly from the pictures on their website (please note their is a pic of a swirly frosted cupcake on their site..NONE of their cupcakes look like this, they're all flatly frosted), however nothing had prepared me for the disappointing first taste. Actually it came before the first taste - when I tried to put my spoon into the cake and it kinda bounced back...it was HARD....I persevered (in the name of cupcake research) and bejesus it took some effort to get through it...and then it tasted of overcooked cookie as previously mentioned. It was v.v.v.v.v.odd - I thought it was just mine, so I waited for Manny to wrestle his way into this double chocolate sin cupcake and alas it was the same story...hard, cookie-like and not much taste. My vanilla sundae was completely flavourless, no taste of vanilla, nothing. I honestly have never tasted a cake like it - it wasn't stale, it was just not a cake - it really was a cookie!

It's a real shame as the people who run the place seemed really sweet and the cafe is quite adorable with its 50s diner decor, however I really cannot agree with the comments on their Trusted Places site which claims they are the best cupcakes in London. Maybe we got them on an off day - please get in touch if you've tried them and loved them as I'd love to hear...I however wont be paying 2.75 a go to try another one anytime soon. Thankfully the trip wasn't a total disaster - we found a lovely pub, The Mitre, which served Erdinger, real ale and what looked and smelt like rather fab food!

Sorry some of the reviews may seem a bit negative lately but I aim to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth on my blog!


  1. Yeah, even when your vanilla cupcakes have been poor my chocolate ones have usually been nice but that wasn't at all. Even the frosting wasn't all that chocolatey - I like mine to taste like ganache! It is a shame because as you said the cafe is really nice and the people were friendly. At least we found a couple of great pubs :)

  2. well this is a shame at least I know not to visit, they don't even look very pretty with no swirly cream on top, that just makes it more special to me xx

  3. Kara - I fully agree. When I saw them on their website I was a little disappointed at their appearance, but I thought I'd give them a go. I really dont know if we got them on a bad day or what but I've never tasted a cupcake quite so un-cupcake like!


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