Monday 25 May 2009

Punk Rock Bingo Cupcakes

I baked some cupcakes to be given out as prizes at a recent punk rock bingo event at one of my fave pubs, the Grosvenor in Stockwell.

I used the lovely Hannah's Last Rolo Cupcake recipe, topped with Hummingbirds chocolate frosting and good old Hummingbird Vanilla, which so far hasn't let me down! I decided to supersize the cupcakes and go for the full on big cupcake effect which seemed to go down well with those who ate them!

I also packed them in some really cute boxes, both from Wilton. The little pink stripy ones hold one cupcake and were a gift from my lovely friend Dennis (no pic here but you can see them on my Facebook), and the bigger ones I bought from Cake Craft Shop online, only after I'd bought them did I realise they have a store in Bromley which I can get to by bus! I must go check out their store as they have tonnes of fab stuff! These boxes were great, easy to put together (I got some cheaper plain ones and they were like a krypton factor test to assemble!) and they held the cupcakes in place really well and ensured they made the trip on the bus safely!

I'm particularly impressed with my punked up cupcake which I made all spiky and punky with my white chocolate drops! And if you look closely you can see the dinosaurs trying to escape the pink frosting....I heart fancy sprinkles!


  1. More rolo cupcakes please!! They were awesome, it pained me to have to give some away, I could have happily scoffed the lot!!

  2. Hey, if you live near Bromley then please come and check our stall on the Saturday Farmer's Market 9-5 every week.

    Promise a free cupcake (or two!) x

  3. Hi Gale
    Thanks for the link and the info re the Farmers Market! I'm not too far from Bromley (I'm in New Cross) and often pop over on a Saturday to Lakeland to stock up on cooking bits! I'm tied up the next couple of Saturdays but shall come over asap to try a cupcake! Thanks for commenting


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