Friday 1 May 2009

It's cupcake weekend

at Outsider Tart, and they have some delicious sounding treats on offer...

Honey cupcake with an apple honey frosting
Orange Poppy cupcake with orange frosting
Italian cream cupcake with cream cheese frosting
Chocolate caramel - chocolate cake with caramel ganache filling and chocolate frosting
Lemon Drop - lemon cake, lemon curd and lemon frosting
Peanutbutter cupcake with dark chocolate ganache and chocolate frosting
White chocolate cupcake with vanilla custard and vanilla frosting

I doubt I'm going to make it due to other commitments but I love the sound of the lemon drop cupcake...yummy!

The pics are from the last cupcake weekend which I've only just realised I never posted the pics of...sorry! As usual they were gorgeous and Manny od'd on chocolate :)


  1. Oh they do look yummy x

  2. The ones in the pic were seriously tasty :) It's a shame we missed out, the chocolate caramel sounds wicked, mind you we made up for it with booze ;)


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