Tuesday 21 April 2009

Tina, I salute you!

Tina, we salute you is a coffee in Newington Green (v.handy for me as I can get a bus from my house to there...although going practically the whole route of the number 21 bus isn't really "handy" when you think about it!).

Tina WSY started as a cupcake stall in Brick Lane and is now a really cute coffee shop, selling fab cupcakes, really nice coffee and lovely looking food (I can't vouch for it as just had coffee and a cupcake but the sandwiches looked awesome!).

My vanilla cupcake was really fresh and yummy - they seemed to have a high turnover of cupcake sales - I was there about 15mins and several people came in for takeaway cupcakes :) The coffee was also really great - I wish I'd taken a pic as it was beautifully presented with a nice effect on the foam :)

It's a little out of the way but definitely worth visiting - and you can always walk off the cupcake afterwards along the canal, or go to one of the great looking pubs nearby and soak up some beer with it :)

Thanks to fellow cupcake lover Bellaphon's blog for alerting me to the existence of this place!


  1. oh that looks like a yummy cupcake, sounds like a great place. x

  2. OMG so glad I found your blog! I have obsession with cupcakes too!


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