Wednesday 15 April 2009

Sugar Sugar Jukupop Just dont let the music stop!

Some more cuteness from Jukupop - which apart from cupcakes also features some awesome Hello Kitty and some rather spiffy handbags too!

Anyways, back to the cupcakes!

First up this rather cute cupcake monster tshirt - although if you really are a cupcake monster I'm not sure how you could fit into a size 8 - the only size its available in!

Far more practical for the cupcake lover is the cute mirror by Fluff - you can check if anyone's sneaking up behind you to nick your cupcake, or worse, lick your frosting...the ultimate horror surely!!

Finally these ULTRA cute key covers - now I already have Hello Kitty key covers but I have a feeling I just might HAVE to get these! They're adorable!

btw..the title of this thread is in reference to one of the most annoying songs I've ever liked..go on Manny (or anyone else) name that tune ;)

Finally sorry about the spacing on this post - Blogger seems to be having a brainf*rt at the moment and it's too late to faff!


  1. Some ultra cute pressie ideas there! Shame they dont make the t-shirts in the right sizes for girls who REALLY love their cupcakes though!

  2. Size 8 my god like waif's care about cupcakes.
    Love the goodies thanks for sharing and I love HK too so I am off the check out.
    I got the teapot see my blog.
    p.s blogger keeps spacing on mine too ugh !

  3. That sugar sugar song was by Bis wasn't it? I'm just so glad you never made me go and see them, lol!


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