Sunday 26 April 2009

National Cupcake Week

Oh my!!!

National Cupcake Week is a fantastic week-long extravaganza being organised by British Baker to celebrate this very special bakery product.

The aim of the week, held September 14-19 2009, is to draw customers’ attention to the many wonderful recipes and exotic toppings available for cupcakes and to tempt both new and existing customers to buy (at least) one during the week!

The event will be highlighted in bakery and café outlets via special merchandising materials and bright window stickers, urging customers to come in and treat themselves.

British Baker will be producing a creative recipe for each day of the week, including an especially indulgent cupcake for Saturday, September 18.

But that’s not all. A special window dressing competition will also run nationally to promote cupcakes during the week and put bakers’ artistic talents to the test.

And British Baker will be organising a PR campaign to drive awareness of the week in the national media.

More details will be posted soon.

Further info, contact details etc can be found here - be assured I shall be keeping an eye out for any news about this event! You can also join their Facebook group (I have!) to keep up to date.

There is also some very interesting data/info re cupcakes on the Bakery Info website, (did you know that in the last 12 months, sales of cupcakes in the UK grew by 13.6% to £33.5m...good grief, or that a total of 32.6% of the population buy cupcakes! maybe I should start selling them) but I'm less keen to read about thaw and serve cupcakes - a range that bakeries can buy and then pass off as fresh - I'm sorry but aren't bakeries meant to bake...yuk not for me!

1 comment:

  1. Cupcakes seem to be getting more and more popular - I think it's time to open Anne's Bakery! The ones you made were so nice, you could easily compete with the best :)


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