Friday 3 April 2009

Love Bakery - a new cupcakery in London

Today's Daily Candy alerted me to a new cupcake store in London...wu hu

Being in love feels like walking into a world of candy-coloured cupcakes.
No, really it does.
Take a trip to Love Bakery — Chelsea’s newest cupcake shop — and see for yourself. This adorable little store is owned by fashion PR-turned-mother Samantha Parkes, whose home-baked cakes regularly resulted in a mob scene at her children’s school fairs.
She now offers a selection of red velvet, chocolate, vanilla, lemon or rose-flavoured cupcakes in her very own hot pink and green shop, where each treat gets a finishing touch like a chocolate-dipped strawberry, icing rose, butterfly or sprinkles.
Everything is made by Parkes and a small team of helpers on site in domestic ovens and using the same ingredients you’d find in your own kitchen.
Just one will leave you wanting amour.
Love Bakery, 319 Kings Road, SW3 5EP (020 7352 3191)

I would've gone to check it out tonight after work but we popped along to the chocolate fest instead (lots of choc, no cupcakes). I'd go tomorrow but of course its cupcake day at Outsider Tart so I shall have to go next week instead! I shall blog about it asap!


  1. That sounds like somewhere to visit soon, those cakes look GOOD!

  2. I bought some as a birthday present on Sunday and they went down very well, particularly the red velvet. There's a high icing-to-cake ratio which always works well for me. Go for the box of six - you know you want to...

  3. Thanks anonymous - I'm planning on going there this weekend or maybe bank holiday Monday if they're open!
    You sound like someone after my own heart with the box of 6 ;)

  4. Thought I'd leave a quick link to their View London page... it has the opening hours so no one is disappointed to turn up and it's closed :)

  5. @Anonymous -thanks for the link. I'm hoping to get down there tomorrow and check it out! Will also ask them about a website

  6. I bought a box last night - these cakes are awesome and the staff in the shop are really friendly.

  7. I am hooked too! The red velvet ones are my answer to life's little pleasures...I hope Sam opens more branches! Shami

  8. nadu says
    these are the mother of all cupcakes!!
    bring 'em on.


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