Friday 17 April 2009


From me to myself and also from the lovely Manny to me!

How great is my husband - he read on my blog that I liked the mirror and key covers from Jukupop in my post a couple of days ago and....well today, they arrived and are now all mine :) Thanks hon -they're ultra cute and I got a free lolly!

Also yesterday after a hard week at work I decided to treat myself to this cute little pair of bags from Paperchase. The little felt one is now sitting on our shelf unit looking cute amongst all the other cupcake stuff, the other one will be used to carry my lunch to work :)


  1. Oh Anne what a lucky girl you are, they are all so cute, tell Manny he can send some to me too lol.
    I love the lunch bag what a fab idea

  2. I'm so glad you liked the mirror and key covers :) I couldn't believe how quickly they came, those Jukupop people are good! I love getting you gifts xxxx


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