Thursday 19 March 2009

Sweet Sugar Sunshine...NY blogging continues

I have been meaning to continue my NY cupcake update, however the "a" key fell off my laptop and I had to wait to get a new keyboard so I could type properly again!

Back to the cupcakes -on the Friday (my birthday) after brunch at the infamous Katz Deli (where Harry met Sally..yes, yes, YES!!) we had a wander through Essex St Market, via Ronnie Sue's for some Pig Candy for Manny (yuk) and then we went to Sweet Sugar Sunshine to get me a birthday cupcake - I was still officially stuffed following my corned beef sandwich but I always manage to find room for a cupcake!

I had a sunshine - a yellow cake with pink frosting (if there's a choice I generally choose pink) and Manny opted for an ooey gooey - a chocolate cupcake with a chocolate almond frosting. SSS was busy but we managed to bag a table at the window of the cute little cafe and had a coffee to go with our cupcakes. The cupcakes were as good as they looked - mine had a gorgeous soft melt in the mouth base and the frosting was really yummy, nice and thick and gooey! Manny's cake was really nice and tasted of marzipan (that'll be the almond - I think there was a layer of almond jam in the frosting but I'm not sure as I only had a teeny bit!). He said they were his second favourite after Butter Lane.

And I just HAD to include a picture of Manny's pastrami sandwich from Katz's - I know its not a cupcake so please forgive my food porn moment!

Sweet Sugar Sunshine, 126 Rivington Street, NY 10002

Katz Deli, 205 E Houston St, NY 10002


  1. Ah, happy memories, I can't wait to take you back there xxxx

  2. don't you love american deli sandwiches oh my mouth is watering at the thought, my hubby lived in them last year - lol.
    I always go to pink too and yellow cake is my fave, my mom makes it as my birthday cake every year.
    gorgeous pic's and belated Happy Birthday x


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