Sunday 1 February 2009

When cupcakes go bad...

So this weekend I didn't make it to either of Outsider Tart's cupcake days (but I WILL next month for sure) as I had to meet Dennis from Ann Arbour y'day and today I wasn't feeling well. Unfortunately I spent a great deal of y'day feeling unwell too and I think a cupcake had something to do with it...gasp!

Myself and Dennis popped into Selfridges while out yesterday and I bought a Lola's lemon cupcake for me and an Oreo for Manny. He loved his (as usual!) but mine was undercooked - the batter was a bit sticky, had a layer of what looked like raw batter and the frosting tasted like plain butter. Pout. I'm cutting back on my cupcake consumption and I really get pouty when one that I have isn't v.nice. I'll be thinking hard before I give Lola's another chance as the last one I had there wasn't that great either - the base always seems a bit stinky/wrong! Bring back the good old Lola's cupcakes please!


  1. Bad news, I had food poisoning this weekend and its no fun, my bro likes the selfridges cupcakes and teases me all the time about them ummm I am not sure now
    hope u feel better

  2. I recommend sticking to the Oreo ones, I had no complaints about mine whatsoever!


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