Sunday 15 February 2009

Valentine's Slow Food Market

We went on Friday to the Valentine's Slow Food Market at the South Bank and as well as a gorgeous haloumi sandwich and some fabulous beetroot houmous I also got a couple of cupcakes. A raspberry rose one, which I think was from Caroline's Cakes and Candy, (there wasn't any sign and I totally forgot to was too cold to think and I had a slight hangover after enjoying a few drinks watching Lordi on Thursday night!), and a red velvet one from Chocstar.

The raspberry one was quite inedible I'm afraid - the "frosting" tasted like just butter with some crunchy sugar on top and the cake wasn't at all nice - straight into the bin with it! Chocstar's red velvet wasn't as red as I've seen but I had been pre-warned by Petra (Chocstar's owner!) that the recipe hadn't seemed to work (she'd given me the cupcake for free as she wasn't sure about it), however it tasted really nice - maybe not the nicest red velvet I've had but by no means the worst! The frosting was also really good - not as sweet as some red velvet frostings can be! Manny got a chocolate fudge brownie from Chocstar and I had a bite and it was mindblowingly good!

Petra also told us that there will be a CHOCOLATE FAIR at the South Bank in April - I've googled it and so far only found this - I cannot wait though :)


  1. Oh you have had some bad cupcakes lately, hopefully it wont put you off, shame as they look very pretty

  2. I wont be put off promise :)

    These ones were really not right though! something odd about them - even Manny couldn't eat them and usually he eats anything!

  3. Petra's cupcake was nice I thought, and the brownie ruled as always! I love going to the Slow Food market with you, maybe next time I'll leave the Mad Sauce alone though, that burned like hell! I'm looking forward to the next one already xxx


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