Tuesday 24 February 2009

The hunt for the Cookie Monster

On Friday my lovely hubby read my blog about the new Bea's Cookie Monster cupcakes and immediately wandered up there to get me one! Unfortunately they were sold out, but being the fabtastic husband that he is he bought me some of their other cupcakes.

They tasted as good as they looked - the base of the cakes were really soft and fresh! And each cupcake was covered in lashings of yummy frosting (now I've gotten used to the non-buttercream icing I really like it!). I think the best one was Manny's chocolate ganache topped one! And to top it all Manny pre-ordered two of the Cookie Monster cupcakes to collect! I really am spoilt :)

1 comment:

  1. That ganache one was definately the winner, all of them were lovely though :) And the people in Bea's are really friendly too, which always helps :)


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