Tuesday 17 February 2009

Cupcake Wars

From Serious Eats...

The blog TV Tango thinks it has found evidence of an upcoming cupcake-themed show from the Food Network:

"About 10 days ago, Food Network filed a trademark application to protect 'Cupcake Wars' for "a continuing program about food and cooking." I can't find any other details about the show and my requests to Food Network for more information went unanswered. Wouldn't it be awesome if Food Network and The Post teamed up to do a "Cupcake War" series with each episode focusing on a different region? Manhattan one week, Chicago the next, then LA, and Orange County and on and on."

Of course, just filing a trademark application doesn't guarantee that the Food Network will create or air the show, but it's some good intel on TV Tango's part.

I hope if they do make it they'll come to London and do an international special!!! In 15 days I shall be in NY beginning my very own tasting in the Cupcake Wars of Manhattan/Brooklyn ..wuhu


  1. Hi, I don't have an e-mail but I wanted to share this link with you:


    Just made them in the shop!


  2. I have tagged you on my blog, if you don't want to do totally fine

  3. Oh my how fantastic are they!!! I will send my husband up tomorrow lunchtime or pop in myself on the way to work to see if you have any! Its TOO long since I've visited anyway!!


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