Friday 30 January 2009

Its cupcake weekend!!!!

As this weekend straddles two months (as David of Outsider Tart so eloquently put it in their weekly market update!) it is officially CUPCAKE WEEKEND! And what a fantastic sounding array of cupcakes are on offer;

Unfilled options:
Lemon Seed - believe it or not, based on a Victorian recipe with coriander, caraway and currants
Arizona - an oatmeal cake recipe with coconut, pecan caramel drizzle
Lemon Raspberry Corn
Chocolate Polenta - a test run had us addicted

Filled options:
Mexican Chocolate - a hint of cinnamon with pecan fudge glaze
Lemon Meringue
Indian Pudding - a corn and molasses baked pudding inside cream cupcakes
Coffee Hayzelnut - because we just had to use hay one way or another - a coffee flavored cake with a hazelnut filling

Read the story behind the Arizona theme on their blog and GO BUY CUPCAKES! It's going to be cold out there this weekend so you need some comfort food..and their lemon meringue cupcake is to DIE for! Manny's already excited about the Mexican Chocolate!

Btw - if you use to find your way to Chiswick Farmers Market type in Dukes Meadow as your destination - they've kindly added it as a destination for me after we got lost last time! How cool are they helping us find our way to cupcakes!


  1. That is the cutest thing ever. It must have taken ages to get the shot?!

  2. Thank you! My photography is more the style of point, shoot and hope for the best. Me and my trusty little digital camera (RIP - it died last week!)


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