Sunday 14 December 2008

Models and cupcakes

Not a combination you usually see, but in Time Out's New York 100 Best food and drink 2008 round up they fed some models amongst other things a red velvet cupcake from Sweet Revenge.

“It’s very creamy, in a good way. I need water! If these desserts were in my house, I’d just keep eating them. I eat junk like crazy. I don’t know where the food goes! I only go to the gym to make fun of my friends. [Laughs]”—Celestina
“I was scared of this one at first—I thought it would be too sweet. But the cake is so moist and not too sweet at all.”—Stephanie
“The cake is perfect and the icing tastes good, though it got a little melty.”—Aneta

I cannot wait to go to Sweet Revenge, if its good enough for models, its good enough for me and I cannot wait to try their Pure cupcake, while I know Manny will be having their signature Dirty cupcake! I have to say the above pic (courtesy of Time Out NY) doesn't do their cakes justice from what I've seen!

See what else they fed the models here.

Also on their Top 100,the Green-tea cupcake at Amai Tea & Bake House.

In a city that is both health-obsessed and willing to wait hours for cupcakes, this Japanese twist on tradition should be at the top of everyone’s list: The light, moist cake and silken buttercream are balanced by the intense flavor of ceremonial-grade matcha green tea. Maybe—just maybe—the bonus ingredient’s health benefits are enough to counteract everything else.

I shall be adding Amai to the cupcake tour of NY list for sure! I think Manny will love it there- they do some rather fab looking brownies!


  1. I just stumbled on your site and absolutely love your devotion to cupcakes. I too am a bit obsessed with them, but more artistically. I will have to keep checking back to see what other fun things you find!

  2. Hi Karyn
    Thanks for your comment - I am a bit obsessed with them! I can't believe Id not seen your art before - I had a quick peek at your site and shall be checking it out properly for sure!
    Thanks for dropping by!

  3. I'm sure the green tea makes them healthy. I know one cup compensates for every ten pints of ale I drink ;)


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