Thursday 11 December 2008

I wish every day was cupcake day!

It took us AGES to find the farmers market in Chiswick where Outsider Tart were selling their fantastic wares however the trek was worth it (We ended up walking about 7 miles on Sunday - mainly because I got us lost with a very bad map!) when we found the Tarts and their GORGEOUS cupcakes. The best thing about the cupcakes was they don't just look great, they taste it too!

We bought two holiday red velvet with mint frosting, a ginger lemon (with home made lemon curd - which was to DIE for - seriously I could've eaten it with a spoon if I'd a jar!), a triple chocolate and a mincemeat (which we shared!)

There's not a lot I can say really - how many times can I say how fantastic they tasted??? The mincemeat (homemade by the David's) was really flavoursome - it had a nice spicy taste to it and it was a really great addition to the cupcake! I had the ginger lemon which is possibly my favourite cupcake by the Davids (well till next time I go to cupcake day!). Manny had the triple chocolate (of course) and just when he thought it couldn't get any better he discovered the home made raspberry truffle in the middle and nearly went into cupcake meltdown! I tried a bit of the truffle and it was melt-in-your-mouth fantastic!

I was a bit unsure that Manny would like the holiday red velvet as he's not fond of mint but he loved it - as did I! I'm not sure what was in the frosting as there were crunchy minty bits - I'm thinking maybe candy canes as they're quite festive? What ever they were they tasted GOOD and the hit of mint was deffo a great addition to an old favourite!

Manny also had one of their orange brownies which he took to lunch on Monday and thought it was one of the best brownies ever!

Looking forward to January's cupcake day already :)

Oh and if you do want to venture to Chiswick Farmers Market its only about 20mins walk from the underground - we just managed to walk around most of Chiswick thanks to a very bad map from!


  1. Sorry to hear our map let you down.

    Please drop us a line to tell us more - we'll see what we can do to improve things.

  2. I'm definately coming with you next time, those cakes are worth getting out of bed ridiculously early for!

  3. Martin - I also blame myself! I didn't check it thoroughly and it directed us to a very similarly named place!
    I must state I've used many times before since talking up this walking malarkey and its got me to where I want to go without probs- just this time was a wee bit off!!! Mind you the walk did me good as I stuffed myself with cake!

  4. Well, I'm glad you're seeing the solver lining ;)

    If you want to let me know where you were searching for and where we actually sent you, I'll try and correct things for next time(?!)


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