Saturday 13 December 2008

I was made for loving you....

woo hoo ooo ooo...

Sorry that was me trying to interpret my FAVE Kiss song - 'I was Made for Loving You' which Manny despises (he calls it disco) and mocks me mercilessly for loving. (Check out the vid here - its FAB I tell you!)

Anyways...back to cupcakes. Yesterday's guest blogger on Cupcakes Take The Cake was Natalie from Bake and Destroy who posted a pic of this most metal cupcake by Nadbakes!!!! Seriously I have never seen a more metal cupcake - only a Manowar cupcake could out-metal this!

1 comment:

  1. That cake looks awesome, but seriously, that song is more sugary than any cake could ever be! I think someone had been listening to too many show-tunes when they wrote it!!


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