Thursday 18 December 2008

And now for something completely different...

Sick of all these frosted Christmas about some meat!

With its endless variety of pies, cakes, and tarts, the bakery is a wonderland of delicious possibility, undermined only by the fact that none of its goods are made of meat. Baking up some protein, The Meatloaf Bakery.

Loaf's a four-seat takeout nook serving a motley armada of gussied up meatloaves, showcased in a pastry case, and formed in the shape of cupcakes, tarts, cakes, bread loaves, bite-sized “loafies”, and pies that'd make mincemeat outta mincemeat.

They look great - not sure about the taste however!

Thanks to today's Cakespy email for the heads up on this, and also to Thrillist for the picture! Maybe I should ask my friend in Chicago to pop along and try one!


  1. Popped over from Kara's blog & I'm in love. (Okay, maybe NOT with the meatloaf cupcakes though!) I'll be back!

  2. Meat - good. Cake - good. I'd give them a go :)


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