Friday 7 November 2008

STILL no internet access but STILL cupcaking

So am in my favourite coffee shop Coffee@whitecross checking my email etc and thought I'd just let any readers (and I know someone is still checking here from my Google analytical thingumabobs!) know that I am still obsessed by cupcakes but just can't post at the moment!

When I've got proper internet access again you can read all about our Halloween cupcake jaunt to Angel Food Bakery in Brighton, Lola's Kitchen Halloween Cupcakes (and a rather disappointing Smores flavour from them!) and our trip to the GIANT new Westfield shopping centre solely to scoff a buttercup cupcake - it was worth it :)

Till I'm back online Happy Cupcaking! Dont forget its Oreo cupcake as cupcake of the month at Crumbs and Doilies to get along to Partridges Market on a Saturday and try them!


  1. Did you not the like the smores cupcake? I thought it was Lola's best yet. I was at Selfridges today and they have just launched an oreo cookie cupcake, which is to die for.

  2. Can't wait to see what you thought of Angel Food Bakery.

    Didn't get back to Worthing for Parklife as you'd planned? Oh well, if you do make it down here again, and if by any chance it happens to be the 4th saturday of the month, I'm going to be selling my cupcakes at the farmers market and there'll be one waiting for you!

    Becky @ Consumed by Cake

  3. @ Becky - am going to put my pics etc up today/tomorrow! Am off sick with the worst cold ever but will try and get to it! And will HAVE to come and try your cupcakes at the farmers market asap!

    @ Anon - we may have got unlucky with the smores cake as it was REALLY dry and didn't taste of anything much at all! I shall deffo go and try the Oreo one though - I notice that Crumbs and Doilies flavour of the month is Oreo too! Which'll please the hubby no end!


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