Thursday 13 November 2008

More Halloween Treats

My lovely friend Dennis, currently residing in Ann Arbour, returned for a brief visit a few days before Halloween and we met for a yummy hot chocolate at Leon as he has a load of Halloween gifts for me! (Just for reference Leon do THE BEST hot chocolate in London - flakes of Valrhona hot chocolate with hot milk...yummy! I have to persuade them to do cupcakes now and it'll be perfect!)

Anyways back to the gifts! Dennis spoils me rotten and I do realise how lucky I am to get all this fab stuff but I couldn't believe all the goodies he bought me! Included in my haul were some rather fab cupcake pix - cutouts of monsters which hug your cupcakes, a "totally ghoul" pumpkin shaped cake pan, cupcake sprinkles, cupcake wrappers, candy cupcake decorations, cupcake toppers and a Sprinkles pumpkin flavour cupcake mix!
Aren't they all just too cute!!!

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