Monday 24 November 2008

Its like they know we're coming...

In 101 days we shall be arriving in New York and its like some cupcake fairy is watching out for us and opening new fantastic sounding cupcake stores JUST for us to try!!

According to the experts at Cupcakes Take the Cake the cupcakes at the newly opened Butter Lane cupcakes are "one of the best cupcakes in NYC"....AND the store is about 4 minutes walk from where we are staying in NY...its fate I tell you :)

Thanks to Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake for her pics - they look fantastic! If you listen carefully you can hear Manny drool over the chocolate ones ;)


  1. Lashings of chocolate frosting - we have to go there for sure :)

  2. We SHALL deffo be going honey - its about 5mins from the hotel - I can nip out and get brekkie cupcakes while you're snoring!!! ;)


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