Thursday 13 November 2008

Crumbs...I missed free cupcakes!

Crumbs in New York gave away 1,000 free cupcakes last Friday to thank Americans for voting, I suppose it'd have been a bit of an expense flying all that way for a freebie cupcake but they do look worth it!!

The pic is from Food in Mouth blog where the writer was lucky enough to sample a Baba Booey cupcake - named after a producer on shock jock Howard Stern's show the Baba Booey is a chocolate cake filled with peanut butter cream cheese, covered with 1/2 chocolate cream cheese and 1/2 peanut butter cream cheese (frosted like an american black and white cookie), surrounded by mini peanut butter chips... sounds AWESOME!!!

Also to celebrate the election Zilly Rosen of Zillycakes in Buffalo, New York, made this cupcake mosaic yesterday to show her support from 1,240 cupcakes!!

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