Sunday 28 September 2008

Slow food Market - where the fruit was tastier than the cupcakes!!

Last weekend we visited the Slow Food Market at the South Bank for a little dinner date. After nearly breaking my tooth on a hog roast bone (sob!), I cheered myself up with a FANTASTIC Venezuelan Hot Chocolate Shot from the ever fabulous Choc Star - I also got THE best brownie I've ever tasted, again from Choc Star, no photo as the "full" Manny who didn't want any stuffed it all in his hamster cheeks before I barely got a bite!! It was utterly tasty and chocolatey, the bit I had melted in my mouth, which was good as my tooth hurt! Seriously - track down Choc Star and buy one!

We also bought a couple of cupcakes to have - one each from the Cupcake Boutique and from Franklins. I liked the sound of the Cupcake Boutique cakes and they looked nice, however I'm sorry to say they didn't taste quite right and the topping on mine just tasted wrong and I couldn't eat it. The base was really dry and tasteless as well and even chocoholic Manny wasn't impressed with either. It takes a lot for me to leave a cupcake but I just couldn't eat it! The fresh fruit on top was yummy though. Franklins cakes were like good old homemade cakes - nothing that exciting but yummy enough!

Apart from the FAB goodies from Choc Star, the highlights of the night were, Sam Smiths Cherry beer from Utobeer/Beer2Love's stall, the fab freebie apple we got given from the apple stall. I can't remember their name but they have a stall at Borough, which was really juicy and sweet (I'm going to Borough to buy a big bag this weekend) and finally meeting Petra from Chocstar who was really lovely...oh yeah and obviously a date with Manny is always a highlight :)


  1. Aw, it was a lovely evening, my burger with spicy relish ruled too :) I cant wait til the next Slow Food Market, another date for sure xxx

  2. Hi there IHC, I'm so glad you got your choc on at the Market and sorry you didn't get to try my choc Guinness cupcakes because they are a thing of great magic. Even if you don't like Guinness. And what about the new kid on the block? It was her first ever w/e so maybe she'll improve. Anyway, all the best and see you again sometime.

    Petra (Choc Star)

  3. We'll have to get there early next time for the Guinness cupcakes! I love the Guinness, especially the 7.5% Foreign Extra :)

  4. Thanks for your comment Petra! We had your Guinness Cupcakes at Smithfields food fest thing last Winter and they were rather yummy indeed! Manny - you have a memory like a sieve!!! Probably too much Guinness ;)


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