Thursday 7 August 2008

Violet cupcakes....Sweet 'n' (a bit too) salty

I dragged Manny to the Covent Garden Night Market today with the promise of dinner and cupcakes from Violet.

After finding their gorgeous stall amongst the throngs of tourists we bought four for £8: valrhona chocolate; English blackberry; coconut and salted caramel. I was keen to try salted caramel cupcakes after reading about them on the net and printing out this recipe y'day with every intention of baking them. My intentions have now changed. It's about 3 hours since I ate the cupcake and I can still taste it, my mouth is both salty and dry and just not pleasant. Don't get me wrong, Violet cupcakes were REALLY lovely, the coconut one, and the bites I had of Manny's were utterly tasty, and at first I really thought I liked the salted caramel...then the salty taste got stronger, and stronger and now I just feel a bit blurgh. The base of it was lovely and soft though and if you like sweet n salty things then I'm sure you'd love it!

Violet cupcakes are really nice and worth heading to the food market for, or to Broadway market where they are available too! They really do taste as good as they look (with one exception!!!). I'm going back next week to get a vanilla bean one, and a strawberry (which was my first choice, until I was swayed by the exotic sounding caramel one..grrrr)

1 comment:

  1. Definately got no complaints about my 2! I'd give the salted one a miss though, I wasn't too keen either.


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