Friday 29 August 2008

The new cupcake?

According to the Lubbock Online (who?) the cupcake is due to be usurped by the churro, a fried Latino pastry, that's covered in sugar and cinnamon and often served with hot chocolate. According to Wikipedia it's often called the Mexican doughnut and is named after its resemblance to a churro sheep's horn!

Anyways, according to Lubbock Online, the cupcakes days are numbered and soon this fried treat will be taking over from cupcakes. I say Piffle and Tosh! I've seen churros a few times, most recently at the Innocent Fete, but I've not tried them, however I really don't think the cupcake need be quaking in its boots - just compare the pics above and tell me which looks nicer! Maybe it's my aversion to worms but the churro looks a bit wormy to me! Also the churro is deep fried so not as healthy as a cupcake...not that a cupcake is healthy as such know ;)


  1. When I saw the picture I thought it was going to be some kind of abalone-like thing! Certainly not as appetising as a cupcake!!

  2. They do look kinda wormy don't they! Bet you'd not say no though tubby x


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