Sunday 24 August 2008

Mountain Dew Cupcakes

While we were in America last year Manny fell in love with Mountain Dew, so much so I've been buying it from Cyber Candy in Covent Garden for him with money I could be spending on cupcakes!

I found these fantastic looking cupcakes on How to Eat a Cupcake's lovely blog (check out the blog for a fantastic range of recipes for cupcakes and frosting!) and had to share them!

I think these look absolutely yummy and I bet Manny will be drooling over them! Thanks Cassie for letting me use the pic and I think I may have to pack some Mountain Dew in my case when I go to NY in March and make these on my return!


  1. No problem :) Mountain Dew is the best!!

  2. Yes please!!!!! Mountain Dew and cupcakes, what a great combination :)


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