Wednesday 13 August 2008

Bake a cupcake, help an animal

What better reason to eat a cupcake than to help the RSPCA with their cupcake day- unfortunately its in Austrlia but maybe I should send it to the RSPCA here and suggest it. It looks ever so much fun

Grab your cupcake ingredients, dust off your chef's hat and get your mixer ready for Cupcake Day for the RSPCA, a new RSPCA fundraising initiative.

On Monday 18 August, RSPCA Cupcake Cooks across Australia will descend on their schools, workplaces and social groups with batches of yummy homemade cupcakes to sell. 100% of the proceeds will go to the RSPCA.

Whether you want to be an RSPCA Cupcake Cook or simply an RSPCA Cupcake eater — you will be supporting the thousands of animals we care for everyday.

There's a competition for those who take part and send a pic of their cupcakes and even a recipe for pupcakes! You can even buy cupcake day merchandise like the tea towels above.

How cute :)
**Thanks to the ever wonderful Cupcakes Take the Cake for alerting me to Cupcake Day!

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