Sunday 27 July 2008

I wanna join the cupcake club!

How fab does this club from The Cupcake Crew sound...

6 Month Cupcake of the Month Club
You will get our Flavor of the Month Cupcakes automatically delivered to the address of your choice for 6 months. Each month will feature a new seasonal flavor such as Augusts' Strawberry Shortcake or Octobers' Caramel Apple. Each months cupcake delivery will be as follows: one dozen uniced cupcakes, 2 tubs of buttercream, 2 piping bags, and directions. 2 Day Shipping is included in the price. Great as a gift or even better for yourself!!!

I've never heard of this "club" idea before but then I've not checked EVERY cupcake site out there - (I'm trying but there's LOADS and occasionally I have to work at, but how COOL does a cupcake club sound! Although after my incident with the piping bag last week I might be best kept away from those!

They also sell mail order tubs of frosting and I'm loving the sound of their mexican hot chocolate cupcakes - maybe I'll arrange for some to be delivered to NY next year for my planned birthday trip!! I like the idea that they're delivered with the frosting separate as then they wont be all smooshed when they arrive!
Both pics are from The Cupcake Crew website - look rather yummy don't they!

1 comment:

  1. We just wanted to say that we love your blog...ok, so we are admittedly a bit biased but it looks like you are too. We have a Cupcakes Club, but it's a bit different from the one you just posted about. But, check us out anyway. GO CUPCAKES!!!!

    The Cupcakes Club


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