Friday 4 July 2008

Drooling with anticipation

Actually ignore the post below- I'm not going to Hummingbird tomorrow as I'd already planned to go to Richmond Farmers Market to pick up some Outsider Tart cupcakes as its their cupcake weekend (as is the first weekend of every month!!). I've just read their flavours for this week and I'm already hungry...yummy

Day! Market Menu 5th and 6th July
It's cupcake day at last. The flavors for the day are:

Filled Cupcakes:

Chocolate Mint

Lemon Poppy

Boston Cream Pie


Unfilled cupcakes:

Brownie Chunk



StrawberryRed Velvet
The pics are from Outsider Tart's website gallery - that wedding cake is to die for!!


  1. I am obsessed with the Outsider Tart cupcakes! In fact I actually took 2 of the photos above ; )

    Can't believe I am going to miss cupcake day tomorrow - please sample a chocolate mint one for me!

  2. Sue, thanks for your comment and hope you dont mind me using the pics! I took some last time I went but the cupcakes got squished so weren't so pretty looking!

    I shall have a chocolate mint..just for you!


Thank you ever so much for taking the time to comment!