Saturday 19 July 2008

Baking cupcakes...Donna Hay style

So Donna Hay is the Australian Queen of Cupcakes and some time ago I bought a couple of her cupcake mixes. Today, while mooching around the house I decided to make the Lemon and Coconut one - and although they don't look as great as the pics, they taste fab! The icing is a bit too buttery, even though I used the amount stated, I think maybe I've not blended it enough or something, or maybe they have more buttery cupcakes in Australia?? Who knows - all I know is that they are absolutely scrummy and I'm having to use a great deal of willpower to stop myself from walking to the kitchen and scoffing them! I added my own little touch with some neon yellow glitter to them! You can see in the last pic how shiny the frosting is - it's like its pure butter or something - I'm letting them "set" a bit to see how they go! Don't think I'll be using my icing pump thing again either - I could've made them prettier without it! And I definitely need a bigger baking tin!

I really like the coconut lemon base of the cakes - will definitely be checking her magazine (I read it in Starbucks/Borders when I go there for my monthly read of glossies I don't want to buy!) and her books for the batter recipe!

And next time I'll be making my own cakes from scratch - I was going to today but at the end of the month I cant' really justify spending £7 on vanilla extract!

1 comment:

  1. The yummiest cupcake I have ever tasted! Not that I'm biased or anything, lol!


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