Wednesday 14 May 2008

Sex and the City Cupcakes

were launched today at Selfridges made by the ever wonderful Lolas :)

Although I couldn't make it, my lovely chum, and fellow cupcake enthusiast, Helen went there before meeting me for coffee at Candy Cakes and got me this lovely "I love the big apple" cupcake which was all glittery and fabulous! As you may notice I lost my "l" and a smidgen of "e" on the way home but it still tasted as wonderful as I have come to expect them, all light and yummy with super frosting! I adore the glitter and the fact that the cupcake speaks the truth - I DO love the big apple!!!!!

I'm going there tomorrow to get Manny a "Samantha" one - so be prepared for more pics! All the while singing the theme tune to the show in my head and imagining I'm not on Oxford Street but on Park Avenue being fabulous (in my imagination I wont be in jeans and trainers but some fancy frock and big shoes which in reality would cripple me and my flat feet!)

I can't wait to see the movie...wonder if they'll have cupcakes in the cinema!!

1 comment:

  1. These look tasty. Loved the movie, cant beat a bit of cheeky Samantha to cheer you up! x


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