Sunday 4 May 2008

Outsider Tart....a journey of epic proportions

I've been meaning to check out Outsider Tart for some time now and finally got round to it this weekend. After emailing them about their cakes, they kindly let me know that the first Saturday of the month is cupcake day at their stall at Richmond Farmers Market (isn't EVERY day cupcake day??!!!) so I decided to go along this weekend to check them out.

I called National Rail earlier in the week to check that trains were running as its bank holiday weekend and that usually means hell on the rails..but the person I spoke to in a call centre in deepest India assured me that there were to be no problems with this line..I hope there is a pox on his house now as the journey was screwed up and took over an hour each way...which made Manny sulk and in the end ruined our day out...but we did manage to get cupcakes which, for me anyways, was worth it!

Outsider Tart specialise in rather unusual flavours of cupcakes - I had a banana pecan and an orange and lemon with a meringue topping...both of which were divine! I loved the meringue topping although it was definitely one to eat at home as I got covered in the topping from nose to chin! Or maybe that was just me being a messy cow! Manny had an ambrosia one and an anise one..he said that one of them was an orange spicy one, which I think was the anise one, but I can't be sure!! The ambrosia one was a filled cupcake, which means it had something inside I think - Manny didn't really go into detail, he just said that they were nice!! The guy from OT explained the flavour combinations to us about 3 times but I totally forgot them by the time I got home. I shall be heading back the first weekend of June hopefully and can get a full run-down of their flavours. Definitely worth the journey to Richmond...just not on a bank holiday!!!!
Sorry about the pics - they got a bit smooshed in my bag - I think I need to get a cupcake carrier!

1 comment:

  1. We'll go there again, and there'll be no sulking this time, I promise!!


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