Wednesday 28 May 2008

Celebrating the release of Sex and the City

Today the movie FINALLY opened in London and I went to see it at the first showing of the day. It was also the first time I EVER went to the cinema alone but I just HAD to see it! And it was worth it - funny, sad, romantic, rude - I loved every second and cried like a girl at the end :) I could gush on about the movie for hours but I shalln't as cupcakes dont even get a mention in it!

Afterwards I felt I just HAD to have a cupcake so I headed to Selfridges to get a Sex and the City cupcake from Lola's but alas they were no longer doing them and more horrifically they only had TWO cupcakes left - both their cupcake of the month, Strawberry with white chocolate so I snapped both of them up :) As usual they were really nice, the frosting was really nice and not too sickly but the base was a little dry but it was still a great cupcake - I especially liked the strawberry bits in the base and the yummy chocolate coated strawberry on top of the lovely frosting!

Nothing to do with Lola's as such but, the staff in Selfridges just get ruder by the day - the man was soooo busy avoiding doing work I nearly had to hit him with a baguette to get his attention!
Also I read in the paper today that the Berkley Hotel is having a Sex and the City afternoon tea this week including cupcakes - its a bit pricy at £45 but if you're interested further info here. They're also doing Sex and the City nights, with cupcakes, more info here.

Finally - go see the SATC movie NOW!! Honestly it rules - some cupcakes would make it even better!
Oh yeah and I didn't eat both cupcakes myself - I took one to Manny at work as a surprise before he went off to a gig tonight :)

1 comment:

  1. Oops, just realised I commented about the wrong strawberry topped cake - doh! Too much booze and not enough sleep last night, lol! It was a lovely surprise anyway xxx


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