Monday 12 May 2008

Box of cupcake goodies

There were so many cute pics to share I couldn't fit it all into one post so had to make it into two!

As well as the fantastic cupcake Manowar bag Renee made me she also bought me some fantastic cupcake goodies, including some fab sprinkles, with some fab cow, dolphin and dinosaur ones, black sugar and some fab cupcake cakes! Also some incredibly cute silly feet silicone cupcakes cases! How cool are they!! I cannot wait to get baking and use them! Think I'll have to take a day off work to bake! And to top it all they all came wrapped up in a ultra-cute cupcake bag!
In all it was a box of total cuteness which put a smile on my face for days, and still continues to do so!
When I get baking using htem I shall take pics and post them - I only wish Renee didn't live so far away so she could try my silly feet cupcakes! She really deserves a cupcake for sending me such grand goodies!

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