Sunday 13 April 2008

A marathon week ends with ....

more cupcakes!!!

This week I've walked more than 54 miles according to my pedometer (and leg muscles!) so I thought after another huge walk today, round Greenwich and Blackheath (even though it was pouring with rain, thundering and freezing!) I deserved a little treat so on passing Daisy Cakes and noticing a cabinet stuffed with various cupcake flavours I popped in and bought myself a coconut cupcake and Manny a mocha one.

The last couple of times I've been to Daisy Cakes I was a bit perturbed that they seemed to have changed their frosting recipe..and not for the better, so I'm glad to report that they seem to be back on track! My coconut cupcake was incredibly tasty - the frosting is back to the great stuff I'd become used to from Daisy Cakes and was full of coconut flavour and bits! I'm chuffed that my local cupcake emporium is back to making fantastic cupcakes!!

Not cupcake related but I thought I'd post a pic of the squirrel who crawled up my leg and tugged on my trousers to demand another nut at the park as well - he was ultra cute and kept following me around the flower gardens so I'd give him more nuts!!


  1. Are you sure that cheeky squirrel wasn't after a cupcake?? :-)

  2. He'd have had to fight me to the death!! He's welcome to my nuts but the cupcakes are MINE!!! ;)

  3. Ha ha, nothing could come between my pootle and her cupcakes :)


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